Saturday, January 31, 2009

Just a few things....

Well, here I am again updating everyone on our life. The kids are in good health (a cold here and there) and growing so fast. Nathan has been through testing with Sylvan Learning Center so hopefully they will be able to do something to help him with school. Isaiah is finally almost potty trained. We took him out and he pottied in the toilet while we were out and he was fully dressed (the only way I have been able to get him to use the toilet is to let him be naked)! Later we took him out with undies instead of a pull up and he did great!!! I am so excited. He is even waking up with dry diapers!!!! Ismene is getting so big. She is trying so hard to talk like her brothers. Her vocabulary is blossoming right in front of us. She learns new words every day. Scott is still doing his thing. Working with cars and attempting to clean out the garage. That will take a long time. As for me, I have had some changes in my work. Unfortunatly, the Labor and Delivery department I was in has done away with my position. Luckily for me, someone in the cardiac monitoring room put in their 2 week notice. So for 2 weeks or so I will be orienting to that job. So far I love it!!! I like cardiac almost as much as the babies! So hopefully this will work out for the better. I still have not brought myself to start studying again for yet a 3rd attempt at the NCLEX but I will soon. Many of my friends are coming up pregnant. I wish them all the best!!! I am done being pregnant. If I need another baby that bad, I will adopt. Anyway, that is all the updates I can think of right now. Take care all!!!

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